Instant Karma Strikes Twice

There is something in the eyes of these zealots that’s disconcerting.


Instant Karma is rare – much rarer than strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, neurological disorders, stillbirths, myocarditis, etc. When it strikes twice in a week, live on TV, with the whole world able to tune in, you have to wonder if there is some sort of divine providence at play, you really do. These two incidents look like they’re a set up, but they are actually genuine. First, Heather McDonald, attempting to do ‘comedy’ whilst bragging about being jabbed up to the eyeballs.

She collapses seconds after proclaiming “Jesus loves me the most”. Apparently not.

Now this. A German TV interviewer questioning why mass ‘vaccine’ mandates can’t be introduced sooner.

Look at her eyes. Just wonder to yourself…

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