Sun’s energy output may have led to marked natural climate change in Europe over the last 1000 years

Watts Up With That?

From Cardiff University

Sun’s energy influences 1,000 years of natural climate variability in North Atlantic

Changes in the sun’s energy output may have led to marked natural climate change in Europe over the last 1000 years, according to researchers at Cardiff University.

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Bondi shock: Fewer big waves due to climate change

Australian Climate Madness

Surfing at Bondi, circa 2100 Surfing at Bondi, circa 2100

Almost as iconic as the koala (threatened by climate change) is the surfing at Bondi, which is, er, threatened by climate change:

Bondi Beach surfers warned of fewer big waves due to climate change

Surfers in eastern Australia have been warned that large waves could become less frequent, as the number of days with waves of 12 feet or more will drop by up to 40 per cent by the end of the century.

Researchers have warned surfers along Australia’s east coast that the days of big waves are set to end, with climate change expected to cause a severe drop in the frequency of large ocean waves.

The study, published in Nature Climate Change, found the number of days with large waves of 12 feet or more on Australia’s east coast will drop by up to 40 per cent by the…

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